Dear users and visitors, we share the summer statistic with you.
You can see more things, like the most wanted models, countries or devices.
Most of the visitors were from the USA, 16,45% from the all visits. The top cities are Bucharest, London and New York.
United States – 16,47%
Romania – 9,98%
United Kingdom – 8,69%
Germany – 6,69%
Canada – 4,74%
The groups: Desktop (PC and MAC), Mobile or Tablet.
The most visit came from desktop, the second was mobile and tablet were the last.
Apple iPhone was the most used mobile (30% of mobile traffic).
Desktop – 81,66%
Mobile – 13,12%
Tablet – 5,22%
Now we look which browser are the most popular. The winner is Google Chrome (41,02%).
Chrome – 41,02%
Firefox – 22,29%
Safari – 13,68%
Internet Explorer – 13,17%
Android Browser – 4,45%
Keywords and search traffic
The most popular keyword was the brand name; skypeepz. This are followed by the next keywords: skype sex, skypeon (the name of the old site), (a brand keyword again), skype sex contacts and skype sex cam.
skypeepz – 5,32%
skype sex – 4,67%
skypeon – 3,20% – 2,75%
skype sex contacts – 2,06%
Most popular models
The most visited Skype Cam Girl was CandyVicious at this Summer.
CandyVicious – 6 166 hits
LuvDame – 5 977 hits
ShesASexyBrat – 4 603 hits
AnnaDiamond – 3 549 hits
starsgirl28 – 3 439 hits